Pratham, an organisation dedicated to enhancing the quality of education in India, conducts the Annual Status of Education Survey. This initiative culminates in the Annual Status of Education Report (ASER), offering a comprehensive overview of learning outcomes across the country. TCF is supporting the rollout of ASER in five states.
India Higher Education Research Network (IHERN) is a collective of scholars in higher education in India. IHERN’s objective is to make it a hub for higher education research in India by driving projects, events, evidence synthesis, and policy advocacy to inform and influence policymaking.
ISDM, founded in 2016, aims to establish Development Management as a unique and distinct discipline, separate from business management or public administration. This approach equips social purpose organisations to create impact at a population scale. TCF played a key role as a founding patron of ISDM.
Supported by TCF, IIT Madras Research Park, India’s first university-based research park, aspires to build a knowledge and innovation ecosystem where industry leaders and scholars can collaborate with state-of-art technology to integrate and apply advancements in knowledge to real-time products or services.
JEC-P is a state-of-the-art incubation center supporting small to medium enterprises in Tier 2 & 3 districts of India. It aims to create a district enterprise ecosystem that will usher an era of enterprise-led development in Purvanchal by connecting enterprises, experts, mentors, and market partners.
Udhyam’s Shiksha Program, supported by TCF, is an Entrepreneurial Mindset Development Program (EMDP) that fosters agency, life skills, and entrepreneurship through real-life projects. With seed funding for student ventures, Udhyam aims to reach close to 22 lakh high school learners (Grades 9-12) in 2024-25